Arthur Emmanuel Legros
France, 2005
15 years old, Arthur Emmanuel Legros was born in Toulouse, France and began paying the Violon at the age of five with Nina Likht, a discipleship of Elizabeth Gilels and Oleg Krysa. He is currently studying with Nathalie Descamps in Conservatory of Toulouse and received mentoring from artists including Boris Garlitsky, Alexandre Trostiansky, Irina Medvedeva and Naaman Sluchin.
Arthur Emmanuel a multi prize winner at numerous national and international competitions in Russia, Belgium and France. He has been practicing chamber music since the age of eight and has performed several times as a soloist with the chamber orchestra. He also tookpart in the summer Violon intensive programs in England (Encore Music Projects International Summer School) and France (MusicAlp, Musique à Flaine, Rencontres Musicales Internationales des Graves).