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Kyoka Matsuyama
Japan, 1994
【Education 】
Since 10. 2017 Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf Master degree with Prof. Andrej Bielow 04. 2013 - 03. 2017 Toho Gakuen School of Music Bachelor degree in Tokyo, Japan
【Competition 】
09. 2019 3. Price at European chambermusic competition in Germany 03. 2018 1. Price at 10th SVIREL International competition in Dobrovo, Slovenia
【Experience 】
12. 2019 as a soloist at the concert in Tonhalle Düsseldorf and Histrische Stadthalle Wuppertal with Robert Schumann Hochschule Orchester 08. 2019 Violine Recital in Nagoya, Japan Nagoya City Culture Promotion Agency Organize 02. 2019 International Music Cycle of the Ljubljana Festival 26th Young Virtuosi with Prof. Milana Chernyavska

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